Holidays are the time for family, friends, Jesus and lots of sugar. But, it's taken me almost thirty years to have enough culinary courage to attempt peanut butter roll by myself. The backstory on this one comes from many Christmases growing up, and the multiple unsuccessful attempts to make peanut butter roll with my mom and sister. Every December, we would gather in the kitchen to make a multitude of holiday fare, but we could never get peanut butter roll to come out successfully. Either it was too sticky or came out as hard as a rock. My sister and I would always eat whatever concoction came forth because it was basically straight sugar and what kid passes on that? Until finally, my mother, who is a wonderful cook and baker, gave up. Since then, the delectable candy has been intimidating, and I've never attempted to make it until this year. So interesting story that I've ran into when this initially was published as a list item and more recently when I've been ta...