“Music produces a kind of pleasure which human nature cannot do without.” Confucius sure did know what he was talking about when it came to the joy most people receive through the gift of music. And I say gift deliberately. Producing, singing, writing, performing music is a true gift for those lucky enough to possess it. And while I wouldn't classify myself as a musicophilic, I did want to include a musical sampling adventure in my 30 Before 30 challenge. While I have attended a concert or two outside, I had not attended a show hopping, multi-day festival in its entirety. With the parameters of no camping (you all know how I feel about camping ), within easy driving distance of Chattanooga and a lineup that included at least a few bands I knew of, Sloss Music & Arts Festival in Birmingham won. SlossFest is a two-day festival that featured what I would classify as popular but non-mainstream artists - alternative if you will but...