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Be Kind, Moving Assigned

When I started making my 30 Before 30 list, a random act of kindness was one of the first things I wrote down. Having experienced many times in the past that giving is truly more satisfying than receiving, I wanted to do something on a large scale for someone else. I like to think that I am kind in my day to day interactions and routinely try to do for others. But for the list, I was hoping and praying for an opportunity that was a little more meaningful that paying for everyone's coffee in line at Starbucks- so in came The MOMentum Network.

The MOMentum Network is a newer, faith-based Chattanooga nonprofit that offers practical help to single mom families interested in building a better future through higher education. Being that I am a huge advocate for education, a former university adjunct instructor and firm believer that an education is the best form of self improvement from both a personal and economic standpoint, this was were I felt my act of kindness would be best spent.

Reaching out the Cara who runs The MOMentum Network and has an incredible story of her own journey as a former single mother, I made my self available to any opportunity that might came up. And guess what was delivered? Moving.

Now for anyone who has ever had to pack all their junk up and move it across town or across the country probably hates the process as much as I do. I've moved several times since 2005 and nothing puts more dread in my heart than seeing one of these:

But, it was pretty poetic and divinely given that this was the presented opportunity. Because as much as I hate moving, I can only imagine the added stress of moving with kids, trying to finish school, looking for a job and around Christmas.

So meet Andrea. She's a sweet momma to a five year old and newly graduated nurse from UTC. She also just got a job at a NICU here in Chattanooga.What accomplishments right? And let me be the first to say that Andrea didn't need my help. She is raising her son, went to nursing school, and has super supportive sisters and mother. Moving is something she is absolutely capable of doing. But that's not the point. With her move to be closer to her family so she can be better situated for her new job, I hope she viewed this as a Kudos, Congrats, High Five on all her hard work. 

So on December 30th, we got Andrea packed up and moved. Along with the help of many people who were so kind to give a few dollars, words of encouragement, make freezer meals, gave gift cards and more, we got a UHaul, moving services from Bellhops, professional cleaning of her old place and some meals and funds to help in the transition to a new place. 

A big shout out and THANK YOU to Bellhops for all their help. It was truly a game changer to have them assist with the loading and unloading. If you need help moving or just some heavy lifting, they're who to call. It's like Uber for moving. Why didn't I think of that? Here's our two movers. They were great!

To wrap up, I'll leave you with a quote from the late Princess Diana. And while on the surface it seems a little self-serving, I think it's rather poignant as you never know when you may need some kindness.   

"Carry out a random act of kindness with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you." - Princess Diana

Update on other list items.
  • Hiked 46.4 miles of the 100 miles
  • I now know how to knit but am a little overwhelmed at how laborious socks are. 
  • 2/3 of the way through the bible. Should wrap it up at the end of January. 
  • Have a great opportunity shaping up for my solo public singing performance
  • Half marathon training starts in three weeks. Pray for me :/ 


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