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And The Journey Begins got here a lot quicker than I thought it would. Looking back over those 29 years (and yes I know that's not a lot comparatively and I hope to have many, many more years for adventures and experiences), there are many things I'm happy to reminisce about. A great childhood with loving parents, playing softball and experiencing life with my sister, attending the University of Tennessee, completing an undergraduate and master's degree by 24, making life-long friends, marrying my best friend Chance and finding ourselves currently living in, working for and loving the Best Town Ever.  There are also thoughts of missed opportunities, what if's and heartbreaks in those 29 years; the biggest of which is the loss of my father in 2007.

But as I got closer to my 29th birthday, I realized that I wanted a challenge. And I of course could have picked a goal, a race, a task to strive for....but to all those that know me, I'm a bit of an over-achiever. So, I decided to try to tick off 30 things before my 30th birthday coming down the pipeline on September 18, 2016.

So, here's the list I've been writing, re-writing, friend sourcing ideas and trying to make doable yet challenging. Hope you can tell from the scribbles and affectionate crumbling of the paper that just developing the list has been laborious. Some of the tasks will be large, and some small. I hope to tell you the story of each item in a post as I tackle that item. Some items may have one post, others will have several (i.e. I'm looking at you half-marathon training).

I hope to blog (see 30) throughout the process to share my triumphs, struggles, seek help and encouragement, and overall document the year. Wish me luck! And I promise this will be by far the longest post.

1. Train and run a half marathon (St. Jude Rock 'n' Roll Half on April 30)
2. Learn to knit socks
3. Cook Julia Child's Coq au Vin recipe
4. Ride in a hot air balloon
5. Take a ceramics class and create something usable
6. Do 10 push-ups in a row on my toes
7. Hold a plank for 5 minutes
8. Go to Iceland
9. Go to Napa Valley
10. Participate in a boudoir photo shoot
11. Sing in public by myself
12. Make a peanut butter roll
13. Hike over 100 miles
14. Random act of kindness for a complete stranger
15. See a glacier
16. Hike Mt LeConte
17. Pet a penguin
18. Read the Bible cover to cover
19. Create a genealogy of my Father's family
20. Start a fire with flint
21. Take a breathtaking photo
22. Go on a backpacking/camping trip
23. Go without a car for one week
24. Attend an outdoor music festival
25. Eat vegetarian for a month
26. Attend an unexpected arts experience (Attend an unusual arts performance)
27. Change a car tire by myself
28. Drink Dom Perignon
29. Learn to build a website via Treehouse
30. Blog about my 30 Before 30 experience


  1. Wow! What a list! I can't wait to hear about each accomplishment over the next year. Best wishes on your journey!

  2. Woohooo!!!! I can not wait to watch and encourage over the next year as your triumph over this amazing list. I am very inspired!!!! Love you lady!!


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