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Half Meta Blog Post and Half Wrap Up

It's here! The BIG 3-0 is here. Technically, I have another 6 hours of being 29 if we are going from my official time of arrival on this planet as I sit here writing this post at 7:56 a.m. I've been awake since before 7:00 a.m., an interesting development in the last few years, my inability to sleep in regardless of when I fall asleep. This is definitely a change since my last "0" birthday of 20.

And as I sit here, I'm not sure how to wrap up the past year's 30 Before 30 adventure? How can I sum up the victories, the hardships, the losses and the journey? I can only describe it as joyously and wonderfully profound.

When I began the list, one of the first things I knew I wanted to do was create this blog - a dedicated space to document the journey and share it with you. I knew making this adventure public would both spur conversation and engagement with those around me and hold me accountable to the list I made. I've often wondered would I have finished everything I set out to do without being beholden to you -the readers, friends, colleagues and family who have asked and participated with me on this journey. I would like to believe that I would have but sharing this with others has been the most rewarding part.

So here's my advice if you're thinking about a similar list, stealing a line from our friends at Nike to say Just Do It! Life is crazy, schedules are nuts and birthdays come and go. There is never a perfect time to do this, and there will always be obstacles. Bite the bullet, make the list, set a timeline and get started.

If you want to make a list with multiple items on it, be strategic. Make long-term goals (for me it was things like hiking 100 miles, half-marathon, learning to code/build a website) and short-term, easy victories (taking a ceramics class, attending an outdoor music festival, learning to change a tire). Sometimes those smaller, one-day accomplishments are needed when the longer goals seem overwhelming. Be specific yet challenging with goals. Don't just say "Learn to Play the Violin." Decide on a specific piece of music that's feasible to learn in the time frame you've selected. That way, if you end of hating the violin, you can still meet your goal and then never pick up the darn thing again. Add goals around things you already love to do. For me, that included goals focused on cooking (Coq au Vin, Peanut Butter Roll) and traveling (Iceland). Pick items that make you feel uncomfortable (singing solo, boudoir shoot) and make sure to include something(s) focused on others. Also, be flexible. Things will come up; a wrench will be thrown into your well oiled planning machine. Try not to be discouraged and just adjust your plans. If you noticed, I still have two items (Hot Air Balloon and Napa Valley) unchecked on my list. We had this trip along with the balloon ride scheduled over the July 4th holiday. But unfortunately, my father in law lost his year long battle with cancer, and we had to cancel. The trip is rescheduled for November (I'll blog about it upon our return), and while it is not in the original time frame I'd hoped to achieve, that's no reason not to do it. Just make a new plan and follow through. And last, share your list of goals publicly. Whether that's on a blog or with a select group of family and friends who you know will hold your feet to the fire, making your goals known will help in achieving them.

In terms of my blogging experience, it's been brilliant. Technically, I wish I would have used another blog based service. But, writing about the journey on a shareable platform has been an adventure all in its own. Will I continue to blog? I'm not sure. This list provided a very specific purpose. I don't think my normal, day to day life without the list is interesting enough to share. But, I'll keep my ears and heart open to other opportunities.

So a quick ode to 30. It's both all and nothing of what I thought it would be. Many professional and personal goals have been met with many more I hope to achieve. A life full of love from family, friends and a husband who has shared in all the goals of the year. I am forever grateful and undeserving of his unwavering support. But, there is still is so much more in life I would like to do and a sad spot in my heart for the people who are no longer here to share in the journey with me.

To conclude, the greatest joy of this process has been sharing it with you. Those of you who have offered advice, helped me complete a task, cheered me on in person or from a distance, said you were creating a list of your own or simply asked how it was all going have made all the difference. I am humbled by the love and support. Thank you. And even though there are no more official lists of adventures in my near future to share with you (a 40 Before 40 might be fun), I hope I continue to make you proud and set goals that are worthy of my time and talent. You do the same!

To my tribe helping me celebrate my milestone - you're the best! 


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